Service FAQ

How long in advance do I need to book an appointment?
It is generally recommended to book your next appointment before leaving your current appointment.
To ensure you don’t miss out, up to 6 months’ worth of appointments can be made in advance.
If you are new client, waiting periods can vary from 2 weeks in winter to 2 months in Summer. The lead up to Christmas is also incredibly busy.
Please note first-time clients will not be given appointments in December.

Is there parking nearby?
Yes, there is one hour parking directly in front of the salon

Is there public transport close by?

Yes, there is a bus stop less than one minute walk from the salon (Stop ID 8149).

Is the salon wheelchair accessible?

Not currently as there is one step up into the premises however our lovely staff are more happy to assist & accommodate wheelchair users or those with additional access requirements when necessary.

What happens if I’m running late to my appointment?
We ask that you please arrive within 15min either side of your appointment.
If you are running late, we ask that you please let us know as soon as you can & we will do our best to be accommodating.
Unfortunately if you are more than 20min late to your appointment, it will be cancelled and a no show fee equal to the cost of your service will need to be paid before any further bookings can be made.
Repeated late or no shows will result in refusal of service.

How long does grooming take?
The average groom time for a small-medium dog is 1-1.5hrs
The average groom time for a medium-large dog is 1.5-2hrs
The average groom time for a large-giant dog is 2-3hrs
Bathe & Brush and Mini Spas are generally between 15-30min less than a full groom.

The average time for a cat groom without a bath is 30min-45min
The average time for a cat groom with a bath is around 1.5hrs

Can I stay with my dog during the grooming process?
No. Like children, most dogs are not as well behaved for Mum and Dad as they will be for someone else as they know exactly which buttons to push to get their way.
It’s like dropping your kid off at their first day of school; they’ll cry and carry on up until the moment Mum or Dad is out of sight, then they calm down and get on with their day.
Dogs are the same, if they see a way to get out of a situation (ie. you) they will carry on like a pork chop. If they know they’re not getting out of it, they’ll calm down and go with the flow.

Dogs also feed off the energy of those around them. Groomers are well practised in maintaining a calm, relaxed attitude in order to reflect the same in the dogs around them. If you are even slightly nervous or anxious your dog will pick up on it and display those behaviours making the process harder both your dog and the groomer.

Can I/my kids watch the groom?
Unfortunately, not. For the same reasons in the previous question, it is simply too distracting and stimulating for your dog. Groomers need your dog to be as calm and still as possible when working on them with very sharp instruments for everyone’s safety and kids/spectators are simply too distracting.

Can I wait in the lobby while my cat/dog is groomed?
We don’t recommend staying in the building while your pet is groomed for the reasons listed above. If you would like to wait nearby while your pet is groomed there are several wonderful cafes & food shops adjacent to salon where you can sit and relax. There are also several parks close by with walking tracks you can visit.

Can I stay with my cat during the groom?
That depends on the temperament of your cat. If they are well behaved and happy to be groomed then it’s best to just leave the groomer and cat get on with it.
If your cat is not very fond of the process then the groomer may ask you to stay and assist in holding.

How long do I have to pick up my pet after grooming?
We will send you a text 10min before your pet is ready to be picked up. We ask that you please pick up your pet within 30min of receiving this text. Pets still with us 1 hour after being notified of the end of service will be charged a daycare fee of $5 per 15min. Pets still in the salon past close of business will be charged a daycare fee of $5 per 5min.

What forms of payment are accepted?
Cash and Eftpos. Payment must be made at the time of service. We do not offer payment plans.

What if I need to cancel/reschedule my appointment?
Appointments with more than 48hrs notice can be cancelled or rescheduled without issue.
Appointments with less than 48hrs notice may incur a cancellation fee of 50% the cost of the service. This includes cancellations, re-scheduling and no-shows.
Appointments with less than 8hrs notice may incur a cancellation fee of 100% the cost of the service. This includes cancellations, re-scheduling and no-shows.